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Mobile Photo Service

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We offer a mobile passport, visa, ID photograph service in Aberdeen, Laurencekirk, Brechin, Montrose, Edzell, Stonehaven and surrounding areas.


We charge £25 to attend, which includes a set of passport or visa photographs and travel. Extra people are charged at our normal rates for example £10.00 for a set of U.K. passports. 

Passport, Visa and Licence Photo Regulations

The regulations for passport photos in the UK and overseas have never been stricter. Whereas in the past a photo taken in pretty much any photo-booth would be accepted for your passport or driving licence, we are now seeing more and more customers coming to us after having their photos rejected by the passport authority - or the optional passport / licence checking service. Our photographer will come to your home or office and set up a small Studio to take the correct passport photo you need to get your passport, visa, citizenship or ID photo. The whole process is very quick.




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